Returns & Refunds

Last updated: May, 24th 2022

Is the buyer asking to return a product? Do you, as the seller, need to refund the seller since you cannot fulfil the order? We are working to provide a good solution for refund & returns and while that, the process will be as simple as this:

  1. Buyers will contact you or you can contact buyer via email or message on the Fave marketplace - you can see your messages by going to Manage Shop > Orders or clicking here.
  2. After receiving a refund request from buyers all you need to do is send the order details to us by [email protected].
  3. When we receive your email we will take care of the refund process for you, so you don’t need to worry about it for now.
  4. As the refund process is finished, we will inform and share the details with you by email.